As students, you have to pay attention to your breathing. One, who breathes properly, will sing properly. By singing well, you connect to Nature and draw life from it. By singing, one develops inside him, those organs, through which he takes from the air the necessary stamina. And by speaking, one also takes vital energy from the air. Singing and speaking are related to the mind.
Long life depends on the right thinking and feeling, on the deep and proper breathing. Proper breathing helps for forming the character, strengthens the light of the mind, and makes the face beautiful. Wrinkling of the face and hands is due to improper breathing and disorder of the liver.
Each inhalation aims at regulation and cleaning of wishes, and each exhalation is associated with the cleaning of the mind. Clean blood is a prerequisite for a healthy body, and the healthy body – for the proper distribution of the energies in the human organism. The lungs are a sieve, through which the mental and heart lives of man get clean.
You will remember: when you breathe, normally you will do 10-12 inhalations per minute. When you practice, you will take 4 to 1 breaths per minute. You will start with 4 and will gradually go down. If you get to one inhalation and one exhalation per minute, you have acquired many.
If a person wants to be healthy Viagra Australia, he shall get to 10 inhalations per minute. If they increase to 20 inhalations per minute, you will pay a high price. This is already not life.
There is a link between poor memory and breathing. At weak, improper breathing, too little prana enters the brain.
Concentration of the mind and memory strengthening depend mainly on deep breathing. One should love, in order the future respiratory organs for taking in the ether to develop in him. Love organizes the ether doppelganger of man.
For development of patience, I especially recommend you to breathe deeply. Patience is related to breathing, to the respiratory system. The deeper one breaths, the more patient he is. Breathe deeply and hold your breath for 10 – 20 – 30 or more seconds. Patience increases in a ratio to the seconds. If a person breathes properly, deeply, for 1 – 2 years, he will develop in himself a certain gift and abilities. He will become more patient, more thoughtful, will develop his imagination, and will gain more calmness.
One, who breathes rapidly, he has a weak will. Apply your will while breathing and gradually reduce the number of inhalations: from 20 go down to 19, 18, 17, 16, 15. If you can get to 10 inhalations per minute, this will have a healthy effect on your organism.
One, who wants to strengthen his will, has to breathe slowly.
One must begin to hold air in his lungs from 20 seconds and increase by a few seconds every day. If he achieves this, he can easily cope with difficulties and contradictions.
The average person inhales 20 times and exhales 20 times per minute. Talented people inhale and exhale by 10 times per minute. The genius inhales and exhales by 4 times per minute. The saint inhales and exhales by one time per minute.